Monday, November 16, 2009

The Man Who Stares At Phones

I spent a large portion of my time today battling a dry throat whilst making a series of phone calls to parents. Not the greatest combination of situations but I managed to get through it. The rest of my day was spent trying to stay awake and pay attention, which is something I'm rarely able to do. I don't know whether to laugh or cry at the situation. I suppose I'll laugh, it'll make the passing days feel brighter. Currently working on English and Music Theory, or at least I like telling myself that. Honestly I haven't done a single thing. I just need someone to give me a kick in the ass.

Question For Reflection: How much of a procrastinator are you? What can you do to help organize and motivate yourself better in these situations?

I hope you all are doing well.

Much love,
~J. Mullz

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